
Nominees for 2025 Board of Directors
(sorted by date submitted)

updated 09-11-2024

WA6D -  Dave N7OHL - Carole K6SRD - Scott
WB6ABW - John   W6IIS - Mike
    W6CTF - Steve
    WA6RWN - Greg
    N6HR - Ken
    KF6SAW - Steve
    W1VSL - Jack

Candidates' Statements
(sorted by date submitted)
Mike W6IIS Director

AMATEUR RADIO First licensed in 1959 as a sophomore in high school. Mostly CW in those days, with a little AM at times. Upgraded over the years to General, Advanced and finally Extra when 20 WPM code was still required. Now days, I mostly do SSB and digital modes.  WPSS is my favorite net.  I enjoy relaying, and being late monitor for this great group of folks. My equipment is all run from batteries that are charged with solar panels. On poor reception days, I listen on one or two SDRs in addition to my Icom 7300. I also enjoy checking in while on vacation somewhere using my cell phone and connecting with one of several remote stations that I have permission to use. My most recent remote check in was from Beijing, China.  

EDUCATION B.S. and M.S in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Mpls. PhD in Engineering Sciences from the University of California, San Diego.  

WORK EXPERIENCE Professor at Purdue University’s School of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the mid-70s. Director of Systems Engineering at General Dynamics Convair Division and Space Systems Division. Program Director at General Dynamics Space Systems Division supporting integration of classified AF payloads onto General Dynamics’ launch vehicles. Participated in many launch activities at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Vandenberg Air Force Station. Chief of the Electronic Vision Systems Division at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) designing, building and flying optical payloads for both military and civilian use.

John WB6ABW President

Advanced Ham Radio Operator since 1978

Navy Mars

Vietnam Phone Patches

2 Meter Net every Monday

ARES Net every Tuesday (Radio & Echolink)

Member DARN Amateur Radio Network

Echolink Each Sunday (DX)

WestCars Net control 40 meters for years

Helped Handicaped W6FM Ham

Visited Hams in Hospital

Donated Ham Equipment to Romania Ham

Donated Ham Equipment to Cal Poly Club

Many Years helping Cal Poly (Wildflower Triatalon)

Ham work helping Cycle Race in Creston

Member Many Ham Clubs::

1 Antelope Valley  2 PARK Net  3 FARN Net  4 Satlite Club W6AB Vanderberg AFB  5 WestCars Net  6 Rabit Radio  7 Local DX Radio Group  8 Monterey BayClub (N6IJ)  9 Cactas Radio (Many Remotes)  10 Many Field Days (Wife in Video)  11 Helped Hams with T Hunts  12 Many Years County Hunter Net  13 Many Visits to Las Vegas Saroc   14 Many times to Dayton Hamvention  15 Many Times Meritime Mobile Net  16 Helped bring 50 boat back from LaPaz Radio Operator  17 WPSS Past President, net control, help with Picnic

Steve KF6SAW Director

I am seeking a position as a director for the WPSS.  I have only been a member for a short period of time. I have taken the position of Thursday night roll caller and am just starting to feel comfortable with that. I am a NC for the Jefferson Noon Net, Monday through Friday, 11:30am-12:30pm.  I am committed to doing my best for the WPSS and check in every night. What makes me qualified? Dedication, sincerity, loyalty, honesty and willing to step up when called upon. I am good at offering my 2 cents when asked to do so, but am usually a man of few words. I am a great listener and look forward to being part of this net for a long time. So, I would greatly appreciate your consideration as an applicant for a director position.

Carol N7OHL Secretary

I have been Secretary for the past two years and have enjoyed it very much.  I am happy to continue unless someone else can really wants it.

Scot K6SRD Director

My name is Scott Dickson, K6SRD.  I have been be a part of WPSS for the last 16+ years.  It has been fun and an honor to meet to work with other ham members of our net as we seek to keep it strong and viable for the future… while being prepared to serve in case of an emergency.  

Toby Mort, a WPSS member who had a great impact on many of us, once challenged me:  You can be a member in 2 ways: “You can just sit on the sidelines or you can get involved.  Which kind of member will you be?”  

I heard Toby loud and clear.  I would love to continue giving back to other hams what has been given to me.  My hope is to serve my second and final term as director for the next 2 years.   

For the last 2 years, I have had the privilege of serving as one of our 8 net directors.  Before that, served as an alternate director filling in if needed.  I have also served on the nominating committee the last two years.  Last winter, I was privileged to be elected one of our net’s newest life members.  

I am grateful for what our net offers our west coast hams – friendships, resources to problem solve, and a safe place to laugh and be encouraged, as well as doing the same for others.   

Thank you for your consideration and support!   

73 and blessings, Scott Dickson – K6SRD

Dave WA6D President

My name is Dave, call sign WA6D. I'm the current President of WPSS seeking a second term. It's been an honor to be President of such a great club, one of which I feel is the best one on the West coast.

My term really started in December of 2022 when I appointed W7HUT Treasurer after W6DAW Dave Wheelock stepped down due to health reasons. Then in the 2nd week of December 2022 I asked WB6NVT Michael our webmaster to create the SK LOGBOOK. This was something I had wanted to do to pay respect and remember those members of our club that we had lost. With a lot of hard work we were able to announce January 2nd 2023 that we had a SK LOGBOOK on our website to honor our SK Members. .

Before my term started, I decided in December of 2022, to contact and speak with all appointed members and officers to see if they wanted to continue in their current position and if they had any complaints or ideas they thought would benefit our club. During a call to KI6SUR Marty, our then Health and Wefare / Awards Chairperson, who expressed she would like to remain our Health and Welfare person but not our Awards Chairperson. Then after that conversation I spoke to K6ATY Dudley, knowing that Dudley had been mailing QSL cards out on his own to all new members welcoming them to our club. With that in mind I thought he showed the initiative to be the perfect Awards Chairperson and nominated him into that position on 12/22/22. He has done a great job ever since his appointment.

On 1/15/23 I asked W7HUT Michael if he could start working on our Payment Page. So, with the help of WB6NVT our webmaster, they were able to give us our first payment page, where we could have a way for new members to join and for current members to renew their dues. They did an excellent job in doing so.

On 3/8/23 I appointed N7OHL Carole to be our bylaws committee person. She worked hard to bring them up to date and get them passed through the executive board and membership.

On 10/24/23 KI6SUR Marty had to step down from being our Health and Welfare person, So I appointed K6LSA Linda to be our new Health and Welfare person.

This year I appointed WB6YNM Al to be our Emergency Coordinator. Since his appointment, he has provided information to our members, and gathered information that will help them and our club in case an emergency arises.

Our Webmaster WB6NVT Michael, has been great to work with. He takes any idea or information for a web posting and makes our Club Webpage look great. We are very fortunate to have Michael in that position.

I've also had two excellent VP/ Net managers to work with. WA6RWN Greg in 2023, and KM6D Genie in 2024. Both have gone above and beyond in their positions.

I have been in Amateur Radio for 12 years this December, and a member of WPSS for over 7 years now. I started as the Friday Early Monitor position, with the help of W6PXD Toby and NA6D Ralph on June 7th 2019. I've never missed a shift since. I now do Saturday roll call when N6HR Ken stepped down. I've done every other on air position filling in as needed. I have been on the Nomination Committee three times. I've always urged others to join WPSS. I believe we have the best club on air covering the West Coast and a majority of the states.

I am a member in two 2 meter clubs and the Sunday packet net. I have worked assisting with communications for the Ridge Fire and the Butte Fire.

I have only been able to initiate changes to our club because of the administrative help I have had along with the input of the membership of this club.

I hope to serve a second term and keep moving our club in a positive way as those that came before us.

Sincerely, Dave Jones WA6D
President, WPSS

Steve W6CTF Director

Hello everyone, this is  Steve W6CTF. I accepted a nomination for one of the director positions for the Western Public Service System, and I have been a licensed ham since 2012.   

I belong to the Calaveras Amateur Radio Club, and the Lodi Amateur Radio Club. My main modes of operation are 2 meter VHF,  and HF SSB phone. I helped out with the Butte fire up here in Calaveras County assisting the Red Cross and our local  2 meter clubs during that disaster.    

I recently started doing the Monday early check in session for WPSS, and I'm really having a lot of fun talking to everyone.  It pushes you to keep your station operating at its best, with the equipment that you can afford to run.  

I wish to thank WA6D Dave for a computer and WB6YNM Al, for the Lenox system hard drives. It makes logging everyone in a lot easier.   

Thank you to all the WPSS members for their kindness,  and all of their technical support they have provided me these past 12 years.  73's   W6CTF.......

Greg WA6RWN Diector

I've been a ham since the mid 60's when I was 9yrs old. I originally joined WPSS in 1970 when Theda and Betty that started the net talked me into it. I left HF and the net in 1979, when I married my wife of now 45yrs, which I met when we were 14yrs old. Spent many hours in the mobile driving to/from Visalia/Travis AFB in Fairfield 1974-1978 while in the Air Force talking on WPSS to stay awake at night. Got back into HF in 1981 when our son was born and was net manager, treasurer, and roll caller for the Mission Trail Net (back when it was on 3928khz) until later in the 80's when my young kids got older at which time, I took another long break from HF. Got the HF bug again early 2019 and I was pleasantly surprised to see WPSS still going strong, several members still active from the 70's I remembered, and joined right up to get involved again. Became a Director followed by taking over VP/Net Manager for Ralph (NA6D) due to his health, later to be voted into that position until this year, roll caller Mondays, and late monitor Tuesdays. If considered for Director again, I would be honored and happy to continue helping this great organization of great members continue as it has since 1969.

Ken N6HR Director

I am N6HR Ken and I am looking to serve as a Director for WPSS. I have been in amateur radio for 39 years, and a member of WPSS for 8 years. I have served as Director for 2 terms before, and enjoyed serving in that position for WPSS. I have been the Saturday Night Roll Caller for over 5 years until recently stepping down.  

My wife K6LSA Linda, is the current Health and Welfare person for WPSS. We both enjoy serving within the club, as it consists of many other great members current and passed.  

I also am a member of other clubs such as Races, Coachella Radio Club, and the San Joaquin Valley Radio Club.  

Thank you for your consideration.  

Ken N6HR

Jack W1VSL Director

Note that the FCC database says I am Philip J Pines, but I go by Jack, derived from the 'J'.  

I got my technician in 2008.07 because of a lifelong interest in amateur radio and to help with emergency communications after having taken a CERT class.  I went on to get my general in 2008.10 and my amateur extra in 2009.1, mostly because they were there.  

I live in California, but assumed this "vanity" call sign to honor the Elmer that introduced me to ham radio when I was a teenager.  He very generously shared his hobby and equipment with me.  Unfortunately he passed to silent key when I was only 21.  When I got my license many decades later, I checked and his callsign was still available so I applied for and got it.
